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How A Virtual Receptionist For Lawyers Solves Your Firm’s Biggest Client Intake Problems

Tony Prieto

April 14, 2022

Is your marketing budget not producing the returns you expected? There are plenty of factors that might lead to a disappointing number of new leads flowing into your firm. It could be that you’re not targeting the right leads, either in the content of your advertisements or in their placement. But it’s also possible that you’re generating the leads you need, but not securing enough of them.

Client intake is a key part of securing leads for your firm. If it’s not doing the job, you need to take a step back and try to figure out what’s going wrong. Are you asking the right questions? Are your receptionists up to the task? Are you getting the results of your client intake form in a timely manner?

If your client intake needs help, your firm needs a virtual receptionist for lawyers. Here at Answering Legal, our virtual receptionists are trained in legal intake before ever answering a phone, learning all the different ways different legal disciplines handle it and what clients expect when calling a law firm. Here’s how our virtual receptionists for lawyers can solve your firm’s biggest client intake problems.

How Our Client Intake Specialists Secure More Leads For Your Firm

That first phone call from a new lead is the most important part of your relationship with them. Yes, it’s important that you produce the best results you can for that client across your relationship. But you’ll never get the chance to do that work if you don’t make a good first impression, and you only get one chance.

That’s why it’s so important to make sure your client intake is up to par. You want your new leads to feel like they’ve already begun the process of hiring your firm when they hang up the phone. They shouldn’t feel like they need to call another firm; in fact, they should feel confident in their decision to hire you.

As mentioned above, our virtual receptionists undergo weeks of training before answering for your firm. Unlike other answering services, our virtual receptionists only answer for lawyers. Since they’re specialists, not generalists, they have a unique understanding of what prospective clients are looking for when they call your firm.

When you sign up for our service, we’ll work with you on a script for your client intake. Our virtual receptionists will listen to your callers and make them feel heard, asking them questions and making them feel confident your firm will be able to help. And since you designed the script, you can be sure they’re more than just a friendly voice on the phone. They’ll actually gather the information you need in order to follow up, and send it all to you in a message on your phone or email.

How Our Virtual Receptionists Help Improve Your Response Time

Your response time is another reason why you may not be securing enough of the leads your marketing investment is generating. If you’re taking too long to follow up after an initial phone call, you’re giving that lead time to consider other options — other options that may have a faster response time. In today’s fast-paced legal world, the last thing you want to do is give your leads the time to think about their options.

If a client calls in after hours, does their call go to voicemail? And when you get back to the office in the morning, do you call them back as soon as you can?

With our 24/7 virtual receptionists for lawyers, every call will receive a client intake as detailed above. Leads who speak to a live receptionist who will assure them that you’ll get back to them in a timely manner will feel much more comfortable waiting for your follow up than if they’d left a voicemail.

Paperless messages will also help improve your response time. Have you ever tried to follow up on a new lead and had to search for their contact information? Because our messages are sent to you via text or email, you’ll always know where to find the information you need to call your new leads back and secure their business. And, unlike other answering services, you’ll get that message as soon as the call concludes, so our service will never slow you down.

Our Virtual Receptionists Will Help Your Firm Compete And Succeed

New leads are the lifeblood of any business, and that includes law firms. While existing clients are great, they may not need your services regularly enough to support your firm. If your lead-capturing isn’t up to snuff, your firm isn’t competing at its potential, no matter how good your lead generation is.

Answering Legal’s virtual receptionists for lawyers can solve your lead-capturing problems by improving your client intake process. But our answering service is a flexible and powerful tool, capable of doing much more than just that. If you’d like to capture any leads you might be generating in your local Spanish-speaking community, our virtual receptionists are bilingual. And if you already have receptionist staff, our overflow call handling can support your staff and ensure you never miss a new lead calling in.

Want to shape up your client intake and start securing more leads? Click here or call 631-400-1111 to sign up for our free trial. For a limited time, we’re offering firms that sign up with our service their first 400 minutes free.

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