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Law Firm Marketing - Social Media Automation – Without Spamming

Nick Werker

April 15, 2016

These days, every business or brand has a social media presence as a part of its marketing campaign because Facebook, Twitter, and the like are an essential way for people to discover and connect with products and services. That being said, however, it’s very time consuming to manually update all of your social media platforms yourself or to hire a social media administrator and monitor his or her progress. That's why it’s becoming increasingly common for companies to automate social media posts via tools such as Hootsuite.

There are some important things to note, however. For example, automation ensures that your brand is posting at optimal times, but you can’t completely automate your social media presence. You can set your social media management tool to automatically post blog updates at particular times, but you still need to converse with your audience – that’s why it's called social media. Interacting with your audience is important because it shows your company has a personality and cares about its social media followers. A combination of interaction and automation increases engagement, which leads to website visits, conversions, sales leads, and brand advocates – i.e., free advertising. With that in mind, here are some tips and tricks to get the most out of your social media automation without spamming your followers.

Create a Content Calendar

It's important to make sure that your Facebook page and Twitter feed are updated with quality content on a regularly scheduled basis. One of the best uses of an automation tool like Hootsuite is adding posts to your content calendar and determining where you need to fill gaps and how. For instance, you can reshare popular articles or come up with promotions or giveaways to spark engagement.

Figure Out the Best Time to Post

Instead of flooding your followers’ newsfeed with a new post – or, worse, the same post – every hour on the hour, determine when they’re most likely to be online. Many social media automation tools use a specific algorithm to ascertain what days and times your social posts received the most likes, comments, shares, and retweets. While some services take up to two days before they can tell you the best times to post, Hootsuite provides real-time data. Once you’ve analyzed it, you can schedule your content to post during these times.

Don’t Send Direct Messages or Use One-Size-Fits-All Tactics

Remember, each social media platform has specific parameters. For example, Twitter has a 140-character limit, Facebook has a 63,206-character limit, and LinkedIn has a 700-character limit, so you should not be using the same posts on each social network. You should also refrain from sending automated messages to potential customers or followers because today’s tech-savvy consumers can easily spot generic marketing that hasn’t been tailored to their needs and interests.

Lastly, always keep in mind that social media automation is not meant to completely replace the human touch that is needed to make social networks thrive. For the best results, you need to spread out your automated posts and make sure that each one sounds like it was written by a person. Otherwise, you risk sounding like a robot, and people buy from and engage with other humans, not robots.

P: 631-686-9700

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