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Law Practice Management: 5 More Legal Podcasts Lawyers Need To Be Listening To

Joe Galotti

October 18, 2018

Podcasts have become a top learning tool for today’s legal professional, so a few months ago we decided to compile a list of three podcasts lawyers need to be listening to.

While the programs we previously mentioned are a great starting point for any attorney’s podcast listening journey, we realized that there were plenty of more podcasts worthy of recognition. So without further ado, here are five more podcasts that can lead to better law practice management.

1. Clienting Podcast

Earlier this year, the digital marketing agency AttorneySync launched its Clienting Podcast. The show, hosted by company Co-Founder Gyi Tsakalakis and Marketing Director Kelly Street, aims to get lawyers the best information about legal marketing in the digital age, by covering a wide range of SEO and client development related topics. Below we speak with Kelly.

Podcast Origins

Kelly Street: “At my previous job, I hosted an internal company podcast talking about our products with company employees. It was fun to do and well-received by the employees, but most importantly, it provided access to information and reduced the department silos. When I came onboard the team at AttorneySync, I knew immediately that actionable, technical, and practice-focused marketing information was missing from the legal podcast landscape. Gyi was immediately receptive and had been meaning to start a legal marketing podcast, so my past experience made for a perfect combination to get us started.

We took a few months to get a plan in place and record a few episodes, which has helped us get over the hump that most new podcasts struggle with and why many podcasts stop after a few episodes. We launched in January of 2018. It's fun and we enjoy it, but it's also hard work and takes a great deal of organization.”

What makes the podcast unique?

Kelly Street: “Based on the feedback we get from listeners, there are two things that make our podcast unique. The first thing is that Gyi and I have developed a good dynamic as co-hosts and we both really love marketing, so we enjoy diving into topics that others may find boring. His technical expertise is a great fit with my content marketing experience, so we can dive deep on topics and then explain things in layman's terms as well. The other is that our highest purpose with the podcast is to provide actionable tactics for listeners. If people don't hear anything they can take notes on or tactics to apply for their firm's marketing, we aren't meeting our goal in that episode.”

What does a typical episode sound like?

Kelly Street: “We have two kinds of episodes. Those where we interview lawyers doing great things related to legal marketing, and episodes where Gyi and I do a deep dive on a particular marketing topic. Hopefully, with either format, there will be real marketing and client development tips that our listeners can apply to their own businesses.”

What is AttorneySync hoping to accomplish with this podcast?

Kelly Street: “First and foremost, providing tactical marketing information to lawyers. Our mission at AttorneySync is ‘Growing Together,’ and it's more than words on our website; we really mean it. Also, the more informed lawyers are about the ins & outs of SEO and digital marketing, the easier working with them becomes.”

Kelly’s favorite episode so far?

Kelly Street: “Each episode is really a unique experience because the topics and guests are so different, but our recent episode with Tom Fox was really fun and surprised me. I wasn't familiar with Tom prior to recording and was blown away by his story and how he views the future of law practice as a 35-year veteran in the industry. At the end of our show, he said that if lawyers don't adapt to new marketing methods, they should just retire or quit now, because the world is changing and they'd better change with it to survive. That may seem harsh, but technology is creating change at a more rapid pace than we've seen in the past and that may mean things work differently, but it's certainly not a bad thing.”

Kelly’s dream guest?

Kelly Street: “Well, this is cheating a bit because we're talking about Clienting here... but on our other podcast with the Legal Talk Network, Lunch Hour Legal Marketing, we were able to interview Rand Fishkin, the former CEO of Moz. That episode comes out next month and I am so excited for people to hear his perspective and expertise. For Clienting, we are just excited to talk with every lawyer we can who is working to better their firm and change the way consumers view the legal industry.”

Listen to the Clienting podcast here!

2. Dominate Law Podcast

The Dominate Law Podcast (DLP), hosted by Naren Arulrajah, provides an online platform for giants in the field of law to bring out their ideas, insights and wisdom to other aspiring lawyers. The show also aims to help the public to gain a better understanding of how law firms operate and about the legal sector in general. Below we speak with Dominate Law’s director of marketing, Michelle David.

Podcast Origins

Michelle David: “We identified a huge lacuna in the legal sphere for a product of this nature. Although there were enough and more publications bringing forth news and other developments from the field of law, there were only a few new media outlets in this sector and we decided that we can effectively fill this gap. It’s important that attorneys have access to this kind of valuable information wherever they may be, even when they are on the go, as they may not have time to read lengthy text and extract information.”

What makes the podcast unique?

Michelle David: “Dominate Law is unique because it’s not related to any particular legal issue or type of law, but benefits everyone who wants to learn and grow and is interested in law practice management in terms of time, money, purpose and relationships. It's unique, because it gives priority to the figure we feature in each episode as we encourage them to be authentic and speak their hearts and minds without any prepared scripts. We want the guest on our program as well as the listener to get the maximum out of this unique digital marketing exercise.”

What does a typical episode sound like?

Michelle David: “The podcast is basically the success story of a leading attorney. They would get to share their insights, wisdom and experience. We have so far successfully podcast 20 episodes, featuring some of the topmost professionals in the legal field such as Mitch Jackson, Kelly Chang Rickert, James DeSimone, Mary Ann Escalante, Gary Bennett and Mika Spencer. Apart from explaining complex legal issues in a simple, easy-to-understand manner, the podcast also gives prominence to areas such as personality development, mindfulness, serving the community and digital marketing for legal professionals.”

What is Dominate Law hoping to accomplish with this podcast?

Michelle David: “We feature guests whose final goal is not just achievement, but fulfillment. We want to contribute to overall growth of the legal profession and also to provide law firms with the power of podcast marketing so that they can explore more meaningful ways to reach and serve their clients.

DLP is not just about the guests’ experiences gained through their professional lives. It’s also about how they live off the courts, how they wind down during off-duty hours. We combine education with entertainment and humor, which have all contributed to the popularity of the podcast. Through this show, we hope to educate those in the legal profession to use digital marketing to their advantage and thereby, inspire them to achieve even greater heights. We intend to inspire the public also with the success stories of these top attorneys.”

Michelle’s favorite episode so far?

Michelle David: “Episode 10 where we featured Mitch Jackson talking about ‘How to build relationships in the digital age’. Jackson was an amazing guest with an exceptional knowledge in social media marketing. Among the subjects he spoke on were the keys to success, which included, showing who you are, sharing content, communication platforms, active listening, reciprocity and dealing with bullies. Some of the client experiences he shared with the world were ‘nuggets of wisdom’.”

Busy lawyers should take the time to subscribe because…

Michelle David: “It's different than what you hear from other podcasts. We tend to touch the ‘persona’ aspect rather than primers on ‘how to’ for lawyers. Podcast marketing seems to baffle most legal professionals who believe that it’s a very complicated and technical subject which is difficult to master. Through our podcast, Dominate Law shows them that this is not so. All our episodes are authentic, educational, informative and fun. Lawyers can tune in to our podcasts any time they want, from anywhere they want without any hassle or rigidity.”

Listen to the Dominate Law Podcast Here!

3. This Week In Law Podcast

This WEEK in LAW (TWiL) is one of several technology-oriented shows on the TWiT (This WEEK in TECH) Network. The podcast debuted 12 years ago this month, and 438 episodes later is still going strong. Hosted by attorney Denise Howell and Stefan Szpajda, the program tackles issues in technology law, including patents, copyrights, and much more. Below we speak with Denise.

Podcast Origins

Denise Howell: “TWiL began as a lengthier, better-produced version of the podcast I was doing in connection with my then-blog, Bag and Baggage. The idea was to lend the perspective of lawyers and law professors with a passion for tech policy to the important questions arising each week at the intersection of technology and law. Since October 2006, TWiL has offered in-depth analysis and commentary on issues such as file sharing, digital rights management, application and reform of the DMCA, CDA, CFAA, SCA, FISA, and other tech-oriented legislation, as well as the evolution of social media, data privacy, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, autonomous vehicles, drones, video games, the Internet of Things, and more.”

What makes the podcast unique?

Denise Howell: “With consistently well-informed, constantly curious hosts and guests, and the luxury of time (the show is two hours long), we have thoughtful discussions on issues that affect the lives of everyone who uses or is impacted by technology -- in other words, the vast majority of the world's population.”

What does a typical episode sound like?

Denise Howell: “TWiL both sounds and looks good, because it is professionally produced with state of the art equipment in a studio custom-built to create all of TWiT's shows. Each week, TWiL features me, my co-host(s), and a guest expert in some area of technology law and policy.”

What are you hoping to accomplish with this podcast?

Denise Howell: “We like to provide the kind of expert, in-depth coverage one might expect from a PBS panel discussion, but without all the arid severity. My co-hosts and I find that even though our topics are serious, important, and impactful, there's a lot of humor and humanity lurking in the details that we never hesitate to surface.”

Denise's dream guest?

Denise Howell: “One is Lawrence Lessig, and sadly he hasn't joined us yet, but I'm actually happy to have him engaged in other, more crucial pursuits. We've had so many other of my "dream guests" on the show I can't even keep track of them at this point. We're never afraid to ask, and people frequently say, "Sure." Prof. Eric Goldman is a perennial favorite.”

Busy lawyers should take the time to subscribe because…

Denise Howell: “You might enjoy TWiL if you crave a better understanding of the myriad ways your data can and is weaponized against you and others; how technology shifts practices and mores around privacy and intellectual property; the ethical and legal responsibilities of online social and e-commerce platforms; the war between law enforcement and privacy/civil liberties interests concerning data access and encryption; the war between the telecommunications industry and everyone else concerning 'Net neutrality; the risks and rewards of machine learning and artificial intelligence; how blockchain and smart contracts are poised to upend most forms of personal interaction and commerce; the emerging landscapes of drone law, video game law, space law, and augmented and virtual reality law; and, finally, if you're a particular fan of animal selfies.”

Listen to the This Week In Law Podcast!

4. Legal Marketing Minutes Podcast

With 20 years of legal marketing experience, Nancy Myrland has a ton of valuable insight to share, and certainly does so in The Legal Marketing Minutes podcast. The program is notable for its short and easily digestible format, and the unique way in which it is presented. Below we speak with Nancy.

What makes the podcast unique?

Nancy Myrland: “The episodes run 4 to 8 minutes long. Also, because it originates as an Alexa Flash Briefing, it can be found on Amazon when someone searches for legal marketing topics. The format is unique in that I also turn the audio into a waveform video and repurpose it on all social media, including my YouTube channel, LinkedIn, my Facebook Page, a short portion of it on Instagram, and Twitter.”

What does a typical episode sound like?

Nancy Myrland: “I have a desire to help lawyers and legal marketers do what they do best, so my episodes tend to be helpful, sometimes containing recommendations and practices that are both current and ahead-of-the-curve. I like to make the complex simple, so my tone and style tend to use lay-speak, versus. terms of the trade that some haven't encountered yet.”

What are you hoping to accomplish with this podcast?

Nancy Myrland: “As with all of my consulting work, as well as the online courses I am building, it is always my goal to help my listeners become better at what they do, or help them become more aware of marketing, business development, content, social and digital media marketing practices they might want to use to help grow their practices.”

Nancy’s favorite episode so far?

Nancy Myrland: “There are 18 episodes so far, and I have to say that I've enjoyed producing every one of them. There isn't one that stands out as my favorite...yet!”

Busy lawyers should take the time to subscribe because…

Nancy Myrland: “They are busy and need someone who will cut to the chase in a few minutes. They also might find those few minutes worthwhile because I have the multi-pronged experience of leading the marketing function of a large law firm with 7 offices around the US and China, then as a business partner to lawyers and law firms since 2002, and also as a business owner that understands what is important to clients. Having spent time in all of those spaces helps me integrate legal marketing in informed, innovative ways.”

Listen to the Legal Marketing Minutes Podcast!

5. Filevine Fireside Podcast

The law practice management software, FileVine, grabbed our attention earlier this year, when they cracked a spot on our list of top nine legal softwares. Now we’re happy to include the company another one of our lists, this time featuring its Fireside podcast. Hosted by Katie Wolf, the program features interviews with some of the brightest minds in the legal industry. Below we speak with Katie.

Podcast Origins

Katie Wolf: “As Filevine's reach grew, we realized that most practicing attorneys are not prepared for the rapid change that is upon us. This change goes beyond questions of technology: this is also about deep transformations in legal culture. But we also met those innovative attorneys and thinkers who are not only surviving but embracing change. We realized we needed to bring those voices to a wider audience. So we dove in and created the Filevine Fireside.”

What makes the podcast unique?

Katie Wolf: “We really focus on the nuts and bolts of improving your legal practice. This isn't so much a podcast about specific questions of law or nuances of new legal precedent; it's about becoming a better lawyer in an age of constant metamorphosis. We talk to attorneys with new ideas on management, marketing, and building a name for themselves, as well as adapting to changes in a number of practice areas.”

What does a typical episode sound like?

Katie Wolf: “Each episode focuses on one innovative attorney. You'll hear their best ideas in management, marketing, and successfully running their practice. We also squeeze in their thoughts on the larger political, cultural, and ethical implications of their work.”

What is Filevine hoping to accomplish with this podcast?

Katie Wolf: “We want attorneys to wake up to our current reality: change is happening quickly, and our culture has to adapt. Instead of being steamrolled by change, we can embrace it, using this moment as a way to improve our practice, our lives, and our client satisfaction. But to do that, we need our best minds working on it. We're hoping to spark conversations across the country on how this can be done.”

Katie’s favorite episode so far?

Katie Wolf: “I loved talking with attorney Ryan McKeen for the episode "Fighting Chaos." Ryan has thought about everything. He's constantly improving his workflow through automation. He isn't just an attorney -- he's a law firm designer. The episode is chock-full of useful tips -- and Ryan is also just a fun person to talk with.”

Busy lawyers should take the time to subscribe because…

Katie Wolf: “We'll teach you some ways to automate your practice and improve your work -- to the point that taking 20 minutes to listen to a podcast no longer feels like a luxury that's out of your reach!”

Listen to the Filevine Fireside podcast here!

Be sure to check out the podcasts featured above, and let us know your thoughts. Is there another legal podcast you think deserves to be put in our spotlight? Email us at [email protected].

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