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Legal Intake Receptionists, Part 4: How We Keep Up With Constant Changes

Nick Werker

February 20, 2018

You might be wondering, especially after reading the prior parts of this series, how on earth could we possibly keep up with all the customization options our customers have access to?

It’s a good question. We’ll be answering that question, and more, here in part four of our legal intake receptionists series. If you haven’t read the other entries in this series, or you’d like a refresher, click one of the links below.

  1. Part one covered our training and screening process.
  2. Part two covered a day in the life of our receptionists.
  3. Part three covered customization and call protocols.
  4. Part four will cover how we keep up with constant changes.

In order to keep up with constant changes to customer accounts, we need to continuously train and retrain our legal intake receptionists. If it sounds like a lot of work, that’s because it is! But it’s the best way we’ve found to make sure that from the moment a law firm signs up for a free trial, they’re getting the best service we can provide. Below, we’ll be going into how we make sure we’re always up to date with every option the firms using our service want to customize.

We Conduct Monthly Customization Training Sessions

Once a month, our legal intake receptionists meet and go over changes to customer accounts. In these monthly customization trainings, we highlight major changes to accounts our receptionists are already familiar with.

The goal of these training sessions isn’t to make sure our receptionists memorize everything about these accounts. Instead, it’s to ensure that they’re at least passingly familiar with the changes, so they’re not shocked in the middle of a call when encountering something new.

Now, we have a huge team of receptionists, many of whom work outside the normal nine to five hours so that we can provide 24/7 coverage to our attorney customers. Therefore, we have rolling training schedules. Every one of our legal intake receptionists attends a customization training once a month, yes, but because of the way schedules work, we actually run these sessions once a week.

Our quality control team works constantly to make sure our receptionists are well-equipped for their job representing the law firms that use our service. Below, we’ll go into more detail on how customization works, so you can get an idea of the scale we work on.

How Customization Works

As mentioned in part three of this series, accounts are customized during initial setup with Answering Legal. In a thirty minute call, our white glove setup team works with the attorney in question to establish call protocols, legal intake processes, transfer settings, and more.

From there, our setup team does all the work building the account and establishing call forwarding. Within a few hours, our legal intake receptionists start answering for that firm according to their unique settings.

That’s not the only way to customize an Answering Legal account, however. We are dedicated to answering for our attorney customers exactly the way they want, and we know that those preferences can and should change with the times and with the state of the legal world. That’s why our customers can change their settings at any time, with a simple phone call or email.

Those changes are instantly added to accounts. As soon as the customization call is over, our legal intake receptionists will start answering according to the updated settings. Then, each of our receptionists will become familiar with the new changes, either in their monthly customization training or when they answer for that firm.

New Account Training Happens Every Week

Our commitment to answering for law firms exactly as the attorneys would themselves doesn’t just cover changes to existing accounts. There’s a very similar process involved in keeping up with the custom settings for new accounts, as well.

Once a week, each of our legal intake receptionists attends a new account training session. Much like the customization training sessions, it would be nearly impossible to have each of our receptionists attend one big training session, due to the complexity of scheduling for a 24-hour answering service. In reality, we hold multiple new account training sessions a week, sometimes even up to three or four.

We run these sessions so often because we want to make sure every one of our receptionists becomes familiar with new accounts during their free trial phase. Even before we know if a law firm will end up continuing on after the free trial as an Answering Legal customer, our legal intake receptionists become familiar with their accounts in order to provide top quality answering.

We take our free trial very seriously because we want to make sure everything is exactly right before anyone starts paying for our service. Below, we’ll talk a bit about how our free trial works, and the part our legal intake receptionists play in making sure it serves its function.

How Our Free Trial Works

Quality is our number one concern here at Answering Legal. We want to provide a quality service to our customer, yes, but we’ve also heard the call center horror stories, and we are interested in proving them wrong. That’s why every customer gets to experience our free trial before they ever pay for our service.

The free trial starts with that thirty minute setup call we mentioned earlier. Our white glove setup team will establish the account with the attorney’s preferences. Then the free trial period begins.

During the trial period, we gather data on each account’s usage of our service. This is where our legal intake receptionists come in. They are trained, both during initial training and during new account training sessions, to give free trial accounts the same quality service as customers who have been with us for years.

We want to make sure the usage data from our free trial is actually meaningful because we use it to determine which minutes package each account needs. We have a variety of standard packages, but if a firm has specific needs, we can create a custom, flat-rate package for that firm.

The best way to find out what a firm needs is to put them through our free trial period. That’s why before ever paying a penny, every one of our law firm customers went through the free trial. We want to make sure we’re getting everything right before you pay.

This concludes our deep dive into our legal intake receptionists! If you’ve been with us since the beginning of the series, thank you for reading. We hope you’ve come away with a deeper understanding of how Answering Legal works.

If this is the first part of the series you’ve read, welcome! The links below will take you to the other three parts of the series. Click below if you’d like to learn more about what our legal intake receptionists do.

Part 1: Learn about our screening and training process

Part 2: Learn the daily life of our legal intake receptionists

Part 3: Learn how our legal intake receptionists handle your calls

If you’re ready to experience Answering Legal for yourself, click here to sign up for our free trial. For a limited time, we’re offering firms that sign up for our service their first 400 minutes free.

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