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Seven Ways Using An Attorney Answering Service Can Transform Your Firm

Joe Galotti

October 8, 2018

What made you click on this article? Maybe your firm isn’t growing at the rate you hoped. Maybe your work days are continuously getting away from you. Maybe you’re feeling frequently overwhelmed. Maybe it’s all of the above!

Regardless of the reason, we can only assume you’re here, because you saw the words “transform your firm”. We’re guessing the way your law office operates right now just isn’t cutting it and that you’re seeking a game changing solution for your firm. Well we’re here to tell you that the game changer you’re looking for is…..

A phone answering service!

Hey, don’t click away just yet! We’re not suggesting you use just any answering service. The truth is most of them really aren’t very effective, because they aren’t designed for law offices. But, using a specialized attorney answering service like Answering Legal, now that can be a real game changer. While it’s true that Answering Legal’s primary purpose is to answer your phone calls (and we’re pretty darn good at it), it’s also designed to help lawyers like you break through many of their biggest daily obstacles, and make their lives significantly easier. So how exactly can an attorney answering service transform your firm for the better?

1. By Bringing You More Clients

While it will be up to you to generate new lead opportunities, using an attorney answering service like ours can ensure that a larger majority of your leads actually get captured. Answering Legal’s highly trained team of receptionists work 24/7/365, and are all highly experienced in performing legal intakes on first-time callers. The around-the-clock coverage they provide, and their ability to gather the important information about a prospective customer and their case, will go a long way in improving your client conversion rate.

Related: Check out this case study on how using Answering Legal impacted a real attorney’s firm

2. By Managing Your Returning Callers

In order to keep your day on track, while still effectively serving your current clients, you’re going to need quality phone answering help. This is where a service like Answering Legal can play a key role for your firm. When you’re busy with other work, our receptionist team will be there to provide a live voice for ALL your callers. Our virtual receptionist can then place the customer on hold, and reach out to you to see if you’d like to be patched in on the call or have a message taken. If it is an urgent matter, you can jump into action, and make sure your client is taken care of. If it is something that can wait, we can take a message on your behalf, and provide the client with an appropriate time for when they can expect a return call. In either case, you can breathe easy, knowing your clients are being properly taken care of.

3. By Improving Your Customers’ Experience

In the digital age, consumers frequently use the online reviews of their peers to inform their hiring decisions. Because of this, providing just one client with poor customer service can be extremely costly. While you can’t prepare for every potential disaster with a client, using an attorney answering service with professional receptionists can go a long way towards impressing clients on the phone. The impression you make on the phone is of particular importance, because it’s often the first impression your business gets to make on a potential new client. Using Answering Legal can get your relationships with new clients off on the right foot and make sure they don’t end with your practice receiving a damaging review.

Related: Learn here about the best way to protect your firm’s reputation

4. By Helping You Work On The Go

Whether it be going to out-of-office meetings, attending networking events, or spending hours at a time at the courthouse, there are going to be things that take you away from your office for lengthy periods of time. You’ll find the receptionist team of Answering Legal to be particularly valuable during these times. They can not only cover all of your office’s incoming calls, but can send you text and/or email messages providing you with important details on all new leads (which you’ll likely miss out on without a live person answering the phone). If a time sensitive situation presents itself, you’ll know right away, and can take the necessary action to attend to it. In the meantime, you can give 100 percent of your attention to the task at hand, and not have to stress about escaping your desk for a bit.

5. By Reaching New Markets

There are a lot of new markets attorneys can reach through better and more unique marketing strategies. But in order to reach Spanish speaking consumers in your area, your office will need receptionists who can communicate with them. Answering Legal’s receptionist team is always staffed with bilingual speakers, so when using our service, your firm will always be able to engage with Spanish speaking prospects. Being able to advertise that your firm can take on the cases of Spanish speakers is likely to bring your firm a lot of exciting new client opportunities. When you receive a call from a Spanish speaker, we’ll be available to do their legal intake for you, so you have all the information you need to take on their case.

6. By Making You Better At Your Job

In order for you to make a positive impression in that first meeting with a new client, you need to be fully prepped on the person your meeting with and their case. And if the legal intake form filled out by your in-office staff is lacking in information or accuracy, it could lead to you coming off looking unprepared, uncaring, or incompetent when speaking with a potential client for the first time. Our attorney answering service makes legal intake training a top priority, so you can trust our receptionist team to do a great job at collecting information from your clients every time. That means you’ll always have all the information you need to showcase your legal ability to new clients right from the start, and always be able to get your relationship off on the right foot.

Related: What makes our legal intake team so exceptional? Find out here!

7. By Having Things Less Dependent On You

Often, the more successful lawyers become, the more stress and pressure is thrown on to their shoulders. While an increase in business is always a good thing, the added responsibility of dealing with a higher number of clients can put a lot of unfair pressure on lawyers with limited staffs. Being constantly overworked can lead to a good portion of their work week’s being downright miserable, and to a higher risk of health problems. What good is making all that money we talked about earlier if you can’t enjoy life?

With the right attorney answering service behind you, you can develop a law practice that is not only successful, but highly self-sufficient as well. Imagine being able to clock out at 5 p.m., going home and getting a great night sleep, and then coming back to work the next day to learn that during the overnight, your answering service has captured several new leads for you to call. Imagine being able to take multiple vacations a year, and not having to worry about missing out on new client opportunities. With an attorney answering service like Answering Legal, all of this is completely possible.

Ready to see for yourself? Sign up for a free 10-day trial here!

Want to learn more about how an after hours call center can impact your day-to-day life? Check out this post!

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