Things to Avoid While Blogging and Posting on Social Media
Things to Avoid While Blogging and Posting on Social Media

Now that I’ve published a few blog posts about how to actively use social media and content to drive your message to potential clients, I would like to just point out a few of the “faux-pas” that I’ve seen out in the Social Media realm. Of course, when executed correctly, Content Marketing, combined with Social Media Marketing and new-wave SEO and SEM, can cultivate traffic to your website, and eventually bolster the influx of new business to your firm. Here are some things to avoid while you are blogging or posting on social media from your firm:
I know that you, as lawyers, are some of the most highly educated individuals in modern society; however, when seeking to inculcate new relationships with potential customers and viewers, you should absolutely stray from posting your support for a specific candidate, or airing your political views at all. In order to reach the largest viewer base, it is integral to not “turn anyone off” from your page. If someone disagrees with your political ideology and is even offended by your beliefs, he/she will most likely never return as a reader, and even more likely not hire you when they are in need of services like yours. Play it safe, post about relevant topics pertaining to your practice, develop interesting and captivating content, and stay away from political soap boxing.
Spelling Mistakes
Spelling mistakes can be a serious turn-off for viewers, and in reality, makes you look sort of careless. Sometimes, mistakes are minute, (we are human after all) and so these sort of errors are not catastrophic to viewer development. However, a reoccurring issue with your spelling and/or grammar might be an indication to viewers that you do not necessarily care about what you are writing, and therefore are a careless professional. Spelling mistakes can be embarrassing for a highly educated professional like yourself, so just be a little more careful! Keep the spelling mistakes to a minimum, and maybe have a friend or two look over your pieces before you make them live on the site!
Being Boring
Posting a topic just for the sake of posting to your blog is not always a wise choice. Yes, content is king, but good content is a better king. If your information is boring, not helpful, or simply obvious, consider finding a way to make your post more interesting. For example: if you want to talk about “what to do if you are arrested,” which is a post encouraging readers to hire an attorney if they ever find themselves being held by the police, consider telling a story about being arrested and calling a lawyer, vs. being arrested without calling a lawyer! This shows the parallel between two situations, and doesn’t bore anyone to sleep by simply saying, “Hey. You were arrested. You should call a lawyer.” Captivate your audience!
Pop Culture
Unless pop culture directly relates to what your law firm is involved in, you should probably stay away from pop culture updates. People most likely already have a medium from which they get their pop culture news, and they do not need you to be a tabloid who posts about the latest celebrity slip-up second-hand.
Keep writing! Keep marketing! Keep posting! Keep blogging!
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