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Traffic Lawyer Answering Service

Home / Who We Serve/ Traffic Lawyer Answering Service

Perhaps the most relatable of all interactions with law enforcement are Traffic Tickets and Moving Violations. Nearly everyone has either received a ticket themselves, or had a friend or relative receive one. For this reason, there are a lot of attorneys who handle traffic law. Traffic Tickets attorneys who devote most of, or all of their practice to Traffic Law therefore, sometimes receive hundreds of calls per day. With such a heavy workload, it can be difficult to attend to both current clients while trying to obtain new clients. By utilizing Answering Legal, Traffic Lawyer Answering Service, you are able to break free from your phone, spend more time attending to your existing clients and in court, and still obtain new business! Answering Legal specializes in performing new client intake, and can even ask the new client to fax you or take a picture of the traffic ticket so that you can get working on their case. Having a Traffic Lawyer Answering Service can also be beneficial because there is a certain percentage of people who receive their tickets overnight, while you may be sleeping. If they attempt to reach you and they get your voicemail, they might hang up and try to find another traffic lawyer in the morning. With Answering Legal performing the new client intake, you can wake up to messages from new clients who are waiting to receive your help! With Answering Legal as your Traffic Lawyer Answering Service, you never had it so good.

Our Legal Answering Services are as follows:

  • 24/7/365 Live Answering
  • Sending of messages via SMS Text and/or Email
  • Call Patching/Routing
  • Specialized Call Management Procedures
  • Scheduling Services
  • Discretion When Handling Sensitive Issues