How Top Lawyers Are Using Softwares For Their Firms: A Survey Article
Question #3: Do you use LawPay for your practice? If not, do you use a credit card payment software?
Just under 30% of lawyers we asked used LawPay, while another 25% use another software to help them with their billing!
Of course, in today’s day and age all law firms should be able to accept credit cards and have some sort of system that allows for payment plans of large fees. It is hard to imagine not being able to pay by credit card nowadays, and that is why Answering Legal has written these articles: to let you know which softwares are available for use and which softwares perform best for law firms!
LawPay is a credit card processing software for law firms that protects lawyers from all third party liability in the mishandling of funds. It will automatically separate unearned fees to your trust account while appropriating correct funds to your operating account.
LawPay also allows you to handle credit card payments from your mobile phone, schedule payment plans, collect overdue funds from clients, track payment histories, all for a small fee!
A lot of lawyers are using systems like Square, PayPal, or other merchant accounts to run credit card payments that simply are not as robust as having a legal payment software on your side.
By properly allocating funds every single time and being guaranteed protection from all third party liability, less work is involved in the collection and handling of your funds.